Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Confessions of a Useless Award Recipient

I have to say I'm absolutely hopeless at managing these. If I don't deal with them immediately I forget where they came from.

So here comes the confession:

I can't find an award Poetikat told me she sent me. I did look on her site but just couldn't find it. I'm rubbish Poetikat! Sorry.

I know another couple of people sent me awards because I saved the pictures, but when I went back to do the awards, I couldn't for the life of me remember who had sent me them. I also follow a lot of blogs so checking all of them wasn't really an option. What a wassock! I need to eat more blueberries.

The good news is I did manage to remember who I got these from:

Lemonade Award

Thanks to Merle, A Brit in Tennesse and Brenda for these. Maybe awards are a bit like buses, you wait ages for one and then three come along together.

I Like Your Style

Thanks to Gramma Ann for this one.

The final one came from Jen, thanks my friend.

Well now for the bad news, well there had to be some, after all this is a confession. Other than the Lemonade Award I can't remember what I'm supposed to do with them!

So I'm going to use the instructions for the Lemonade Award for all of them.

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 8 blogs which show attitude and / or gratitude.

3. Link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.

5. Share the love and link to this post and to the person from whom you received your award.

Well I have to say I find it too difficult to pick out just a few people from those I follow. So if you would like the award feel free to take it.

My apologies once again to those kind people who gave me the awards, those ones I can't find and those I've taken ages to do. I'm not worthy as Bill and Ted used to say. Well I think it was them!

Now confession over and I feel much better for that, what's my penance?


  1. I don't get it, am I stupid? How do I put a logo on my blog? Maybe I should be left in the dark. I only follow three blogs anyway, and you are all great:))

  2. You are so funny. I got an award today too-and I'm just like you with them! I forget to put them up and then poof, the memory of how I got them disappears.

  3. p.s. can i steal your whole blog post?

  4. gday Winifred,congrats on all your awards.. Can I take the lemonade award please...I will add it to a post soon.. I dont add them to my side bar...

    When I get an award I save it to my pictures new folder call it awards and rename each one with the person i recieved it from I find it easy to retrieve them this way... hope this helps you.. Jen

  5. Too funny - I'm the same way - I cannot for the life of me remember from day to day!

  6. Winifred,

    I like your style! I find it difficult to give out awards, so anymore I just invite all to take the award if they so desire. I have "My Award Blog" where I display my awards. I don't have room on my blogs for them. But, I really do like your style and always enjoy reading your blog. You deserve the award!

  7. Marjorie
    I'm not too good with Blogger either. To add an award logo I use the Layout tab in the Dashboard and then I use the Add a Gadget link. After that I Add a Picture and insert the award picture.

    Certainly, just use anything from the blog.

    In future I'll do as you suggest and create a folder for each award instead of just saving the picture and thinking I'll remember!

  8. I don't feel so bad now. Poetikat gave me an award and I didn't know how to post it on my blog. I felt very inept!

  9. Your penance??? Oh no..we did not get to be the age we are, only to find an enjoyable activity turn into guilt in any form. Blogging is fun...plain and simple. No worries over forgetting awards, etc. Okay?

  10. Dear Winifred ~~ Good post and we all forget. I
    often print the rules and who gave one to me. and save the actual award to my photos.
    Glad you liked the Prayer, and I was so pleased to see my grandson and his girl. I am so glad your friends in Melbourne are safe. It seem to be small towns aand people onn the outskirts of town that get hit most. Take great care, my friend, Love, Merle.

  11. Wow, it must be difficult to get so many awards that you can't keep track of them! WhooHoo!

  12. You're not alone...I have done the same thing. I think it's our age...I am 63. LOL

    ((( HUGS )))


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