Tuesday, 9 December 2008

I've Lost It!

Yes, I think I've finally lost it.

All the running about collecting my grandchildren from school and nursery, taking and collecting from discos and parties, Christmas shopping and generally trying to get cleared up for Christmas has finally got to me.

I collected Lauren from nursery and had a few cards I need to get weighed to send abroad. On the way to the Post Office Lauren had a"boulder" in her shoe and I had to stop, put my things down on the ground and sort out the shoe problem. When I got into the Post Office I discovered I had no purse, realised I must have put it down and not picked it up again when I sorted the shoe issue out. Went straight back, literally about 30 yards from the Post Office but no sign of it. Just a man walking his dogs ahead of me. Checked the car and around it then went back home to start the horrendous task of contacting all and sundry to report stuff missing.

The thought of contacting everyone to cancel cards and then being without them for the next couple of weeks was horrendous. Then there was the bus pass, library cards, the list seemed endless. Just as I picked up the phone my mobile rang and there was a strange message from a man to ring him. It turned out he had been walking his dog and picked up my purse. Yes the same one I had seen! He gave me his address and I went to pick it up and thank him.

He lived in the same street as we did when we were first married but had just moved there 4 years ago so I didn't know him. We had a lovely chat talking about what it was like when the houses were first built, we were amongst the first people to move into the street. He loved it there but his wife had never settled and sadly he told me she had died three weeks ago. His daughter was there visiting him and it turned out she lives in the same street as my daughter.

He was a lovely man, so honest and I was really grateful to him. He wouldn't take any money from me as he said well it's not mine it's yours. I told him that it wasn't the money, there was very little in the purse, I never carry much. He had just saved me an awful lot of time and inconvenience and I was really grateful. He wouldn't have any of it though.

Isn't it nice to have your faith in people renewed. There are some really nice and honest people around despite what we see in the papers and on TV.


  1. Interesting story Winifred. I believe for some reason, you were meant to meet this gentleman-if only to be there to offer someone solace-or to have your faith renewed in your fellow man. It could have been a message that you need to slow down.

  2. Great post! I bet he is feeling as good about himself as you are feeling thankful for him.

  3. Now there is a gentleman to take a nice tray of cookies to at Christmas time. And a doggie biscuit or two for his dogs. Isn't it nice to find people like him do still exist.

  4. I think it's true we were meant to meet up and it certainly did restore my faith in people.

    He obviously feels that virtue is its own reward. I'll certainly pop back to see him again before Christmas and get his dogs some biscuits. Lauren & I can have a go at making some gingerbread for him next week. It'll entertain her too!

  5. Winifred that story just helped my Christmas spirit renew itself! Thanks for sharing it with us bloggers. It is a refreshing change of scenery for our emotions at this very busy time of year.

  6. A wonderful story, at a wonderful time of year.

  7. That must have been such a relief having that man find your purse.

  8. I am so happy for you. I was about to cry, then what a happy ending and I still had a tear in my eye. God bless you Winifred.

  9. Isn't it wonderful, first to meet someone so honest, and second, to make a new friend.

    Now, back to losing your mind. That's where I've been ever since I returned from our Thanksgiving holiday. I feel like I'm running around in circles. As you know, "misery loves company" and I see I'm in good company.

    ~hippo hugs~

  10. Gday Winifred, Great news on getting your purse returned. Its nice to know there are still honest people in this world.
    The spiders are a new breed to me havent seen them before. we get a lot of redbacks very poisonous I had a photo but lost it when my computer crashed.

  11. What a great story! And how nice to have faith restored in human kind - refreshing for a change from the usual!

  12. A good story at this time of year. I was also pleased to hear that other people can be forgetful!!!!

  13. A Christmas story for both of you to share. His gift the giving and yours the receiving. I love it so.

  14. What a wonderful man to be so nice as to return your purse. Yes it is true there are a lot of nice people left in the world, but, we only hear about the nasty people in the world. The news media only seems to go for sensationalism most of the time. What a pity!

  15. Loved this story, Winifred. Good to know there are still some caring people out there.

    Holiday hugs,


  16. Dear Winifred ~~ I am so glad you got your purse back, and that the man was so nice and honest. Slow down, just a little and collect your thoughts. Just do what is necessary. We usually get through this frazzled stage. Glad you enjoyed the jokes. Take care, Love, Merle.

  17. So pleased your story had a happy ending Winifred. Definitely the season of goodwill!

    A x

  18. Always nice to hear that there are still some kind and honest people out there.
    So glad for the happy (and less stressful) ending!

  19. Winifred,What a wonderful story, especially this time of the year. I must say I got a lump in my throat as I read it. With all the craziness that is going on world wide, it restores ones faith in our fellow man. I know his beloved wife smiled upon him from heaven:) Merry Christmas.


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