Friday, 8 January 2010

Happy Birthday Elvis!

I wasn't always an Elvis fan. I didn't like his early stuff. It was when I saw GI Blues that I started to like his singing. Funnily enough I still have that LP in its original cover.

My favourite Elvis song was The Girl of My Best Friend but I also like Suspicion which I heard the first time I went to Spain in 1963.

A girl I went to school with was an even madder fan than me and we used to go to the pictures together to see all his films. My other fnends were not that keen. The last time I went with her was to see Flaming Star. For anyone who hasn't seen the film, he dies at the end. As he was dying I had a lump in my throat even though it wasn't exactly the best of pictures or acting, it was just that it was Elvis. My friend didn't hold back though. She started to cry, then to sob really loud. Eventually the whole picture house could hear her and some people started laughing. I was absolutely mortified.

Hard to believe he would have been 75 today. Even harder to believe is that my friend didn't even make it to her 35th birthday.

I couldn't find a decent video of either of my favourite songs so here he is in his prime and in happier days in 1968. That's the way I like to remember him and my friend too.

Post 141


  1. Winifred, I also didn't love Elvis at first, but must say I warmed up to him once I started really listening to his music. He is the King as far as I'm concerned.

    I was lucky enough to see him in concert a couple of years before his death. He was on the heavy side but what a showman. Electrifying! I found myself standing on my chair... screaming, along with everyone else.

    I am so glad I was fortunate enough to be invited to go to his concert that night, so many years ago.

  2. That was really lucky Marjorie. Must have been wonderful.

  3. I would love to know just how he would have looked today at 75. Same with Marilyn Monroe, wonder how she would have looked. He played with a lot of different actresses in his movies, and I'll still watch one when it come on TV. Happy week-end.

  4. I wasn't a fan of Elvis until later in life when I started to listen to his singing and voice, and forgot all the other foolishness that was associated with him.

    I now appreciate his singing voice, noticing that he can sing just about any song of his day. We have a radio station that plays nothing but Elvis music 24 hours a day. I don't listen to it everyday, but once in a while I turn it on and listen the day away. Especially if I am working around the house.

  5. What a lovely tribute to the King!

    I do love his early music, well I'm a big fan of all his music and now I'm jealous of Marjorie!

    Found your blog via Grannie Annie's and saw the Elvis pic on her blog roll!

  6. I love Elvis, probably because my Aunts did. My husband and I had just been married 2 months when I learned he died. I cried and so did our next door neighbors. It is really hard to watch his later years when he did concerts, because of all his problems he struggled with. What a good looking man he was!

  7. He looked great when he was young. My earliest memories were of the chubby Elvis in the white jump suit. I could not understand what my mother saw in him. He was brilliant in his youth and hot! Happy Birthday Elvis!

  8. I was the same Winifred. I didn't dislike him but only came to appreciate him much later. I love the fun version of "Are you lonesome tonight" because I really love to hear Elvis laugh so much but my favourite song is "Wooden Heart". A great tribute to "the King" and a great memory of your friend too. Ax

  9. Elvis was the greatest. What a voice! We used to wait for his latest releases to be broadcast on the radio - we did not own a record player then. 'It's Now or Never' is one of my most favourite songs.

    Thanks Winifred for reviving the musical memories of my teens

  10. We were not allowed to attend Elvis movies. My sister managed to sneak out and see LOVE ME TENDER. When she returned home that night she single-handedly reenacted the entire movie for me, scene by scene. To this day she does a great Elvis impersonation. I did manage to watch him on the Ed Sullivan show and did I ever scream and squeal. What and sad and sorry shame that greatness often breeds tragic addictions.

  11. Saw a programme last week of 'Elvis's family sharing on his life' and I really enjoyed the various songs and concerts that they showed.

    I do not like his early stuff but do like his later stuff and of course that all came from his heart and life experience.

  12. Patty and I watched him rattle and roll and move those hips the first time he appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show. He was a screaming big hit and the next time he was on the show, a week later, the cameras were not allowed to show him from the waist down because it was thought it dancing was way too suggestive. Can you believe that?

    There was another singer at about the same time who was as popular then as Elvis was and he also had a big hit song, "CRY." He was deaf. His name was Johnny Ray. Remember him? I used to listen to his song, "CRY" in Kentucky at the restaurant where I went to eat and have coffee.

  13. I like to remember Elvis as the man in the movies, not the bloated sick guy.

    I like "A Little Less Conversation."

    Gill in Canada

  14. It's sad to think such a handsome young man died such a wreck! But the great voice lives on!

  15. Dear Winifred ~~ Great tribute to Elvis. I loved most of his music and movies and specials. I hate to say this but I am 75 1/2 so older than E.
    Like you, I don't know which is worse - your COLD or our HEAT. I guess we are more used to the conditions we have always lived in.
    It must be bad there to close the schools. They never did it for us!!
    Take really good care, my friend,
    Love, Merle.

  16. Like you, it took me awhile. My great friend and future SIL, Bonnie, loved him from the beginning. I don't think I can pick a favorite song, but I did love "Are You Lonesome Tonight?" I just loved the movie, Blue Hawaii.

    What a sad thing that his life was so unhappy in the end. I read something yesterday that said had his mother lived live would have been better for him and he would probably be with us today. So sad.

  17. I didn't care much for Elvis when he was alive, but have learned to appreciate him more in recent years. I have been fortunate enough to go to Graceland at least twice as I have lived in Memphis many years ago. I can't imagine what he would be like today had he lived.


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