Thursday, 21 January 2010

Great Expectations!

No! It's nothing to do with Charles Dickens! It's my expectations of myself.
I've been a bit better the attack on my procrastination this year, but I have a long way to go, so as the school reports say, "must do better" for 2010!

I have a Mailart which I desperately need to finish for Michelle and I'm ashamed of how long it's taken me. It's months overdue and I know I've had problems with my eyes and cross stitching fine stitches in poor light, but it's time to get it done. Hopefully the weather will improve and to help I've bought a magnifier and light combined. Hopefully that'll do the trick.

I'm thoroughly ashamed of the projects I have outstanding and the stash (stuff) I've accumulated. I've just looked into the black hole (cupboard under the stairs) and enough is enough! So I've decided that to help me try to produce and finish more "stuff" I'm going to record it. The aim is at least one a month and I'm going to list it on the sidebar. So I could be shaming myself in the coming months!

It's not exactly a New Year Resolution, just a realisation that something has got to be done about this before I pop my clogs and my secret stuff is revealed for everyone to see. The wool alone is taking up a mammoth amount of space and I can hardly close the cupboard door.

Tomorrow it's the on-line tax self assessment to finish. YUK!!!!!

Next the Mailart!

Post 142


  1. I need to create a list for the things I have's ridiculous sometimes....maybe I shouldn't start anything new until something is finished!!!

  2. I guess there will be a lot coming up to see in the near future then!
    Or maybe you could do what I did - got rid of all my wool and tapestry and patterns and needles etc. Have kept two embroidery items only but they could take 100 years! My excuse too, eyes not what they were.

  3. I would guess we all have great expectations. Me I fall short a bunch of times.
    I posted today about the ATC's pop over and take a look.

  4. You aren't alone in the unfinished project category. Good luck de-stashing!

    I love the yarn in the photo. It's very pretty.

  5. Good luck with it Winifred. Now that I have more or less finished the unpacking I have begun on my stache of wool. I no longer have a "black hole" - well not yet anyway - and there is not really room for one here, so the only choices are to get on with it or throw it out!

    I shall "watch this space".

  6. Winifred, I love the colors in your wool. It is really easy to keep buying things that are related to our hobbies and crafts. I have drawers, shelves, and cupboards full of fabric. Overwhelming!

    I am cleaning all kinds of things out of my house in hopes of leaving for Texas soon. It has been quite a task, but rewarding now that I have cleaned out most of my closets, etc.

    I plan to turn over a new leaf and stop buying stuff I really don't need. Keep your fingers crossed for me:))) I will do likewise for you.

  7. A few months ago, I made a pact with myself, no more yarn until I use up the old. I made some afghans, and a shawl. Now I have two orders for hats, and a novelty item. I am not in a crocheting mood right now, so will probably never get them made. Maybe next winter? Right now I am trying to get some of my hoard of books read. Maybe someday, but there are always new books, and I can't pass a bookstore without going in and of course I always find one or two I just have to have.... need I go on? ; )

  8. That was the reason I set up my "DIY Joe's House of Horrors!" blog so I can record the stuff I manage to get done in the house. It's probably the most boring blog in the world but it has helped me to get things done and it really is good to look at the blog and realise that I have actually achieved a few things. The before and after photos are a nice reminder too.

    Good luck with clearing out your black hole, I hope you have fun a long the way too.

  9. You've reminded me of all the things I have to do...stamping, sewing, scrapbooking, to sday nothing of a knitting project. Maybe you will be my inspiration.

    ~hippo hugs~

  10. The yarn is beautiful, what are you going to make with it? Do you crochet? Myself I can't cross stitch, but three of our four daughters do beautiful work. I only crochet and I have to be in the mood, but the problem is, once I start something I hate to put it down until it's completed. Time to prepare supper/dinner. Have a great evening.

  11. What beautiful yarn. I know how it is with unfinished projects. I think we're all guilty of it.

  12. When I make myself "To Do" lists I do so much better seeing things through. Big projects like sewing and knitting, etc. though...not real good at finishing all those. Good luck Winifred! You can do it!

  13. All the best for the great resolution. And a bigger best wishes for a mental stamina not to break the resolutions... Lolz... :)

    Style on a Casual Date - Fashion Panache
    Blogger's Choice Award - My Travelogue

  14. Good luck on the resolution of getting projects finished. I'm a bit bad in that area also.

  15. All us creative folk have the same problem, wanting to get to something new. LOL. I have stashes too dear one.Just keep on keeping on.

  16. good luck with finishing your projects!!


  17. I know just how you feel. I have so many partly done bits and pieces around the cottage. There are never enough hours in the day.


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