Thursday, 26 March 2009

Skywatch Friday - 27 March 2009

A view of the very pretty little coastal town of Llafranch on the Costa Brava. We visited with some Spanish friends one very hot September afternoon.

Must go back there one day!

Like to join Skywatch Friday? Just go to the Skywatch website and post your pictures. It's easy and we'd like to see them.


  1. I hope you are getting on better today. The pictures are great.

  2. Oh, that is a lovely picture, Winifred. I gope you can get back there again soon.

    I'm sorry your back has been giving you problems. Nothing worse than an aching back. I have a bad back, so I know.

    Take good care!



  3. That is a beautiful picture! Did you snap it? You should be getting ready for your vacation soon aren't you? Lucky you, and I hope your back is better.

  4. Thanks everyone, my back is getting better.

    I think it will be next year before we go back to Spain. Our holidays are booked for Greece in May and we have a special trip coming up in September for our Ruby Wedding Anniversary.

    I snapped that picture from a car park if I remember correctly, a great vantage point. It's a really pretty place to visit.

  5. Great photo of a fantastic location, well done.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  6. I thought about going here while I was in Barcelona last summer, and now I wish I had.

  7. the place must be really special and beautiful. it sure does reflect on the photo. happy SWF!

  8. There are so many beautiful places in this world. I think I am ready to go to LlaFranch. I bet the weather was wonderful too.

    I am glad to hear that you are feeing much better Winifred.

  9. It does look pretty. We are hoping to have a week in Spain later this year but nothing booked yet. A x

  10. Beautiful coastline and a nice shot.


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