Sunday, 5 November 2017

Is it really a month since I posted?

Old Key West

Well time passes so quickly especially when you're on holiday. Then you get back & can't be hassled to do anything other than sleep to get over the jetlag & eat!

Also it's absolutely freezing & pitch dark by 5pm so winter is definitely here. We had just moved into Autumn when we left but that didn't last long. 

Had a good time in Disney World, much better than I expected. Gorgeous weather, lots of sun, not too hot, no horrible humidity & hardly any rain. We had a Disney apartment in Old Key West which was very spacious & peaceful. So thank you Florida.

My main crititcisms of Disney are horrendous prices (yes they're getting even greedier) unbelievable crowds mainly in the Magic Kingdom (I've renamed it the Manic Kingdom) & earblowing music everywhere. It's in restaurants, cafes, parks, shops, hotels, buses & even on the lovely ferry rides. We had one ferry driver (not sure if that's what they call them) who said he refused to listen to it & turned it off. A great character!

Why do they feel the need to blast music out everywhere? They've totally revamped Disney Springs (used to be Downtown Disney & awful) now it's much more spacious but even on a walk along the lakeside promenade you're blasted with music from lamposts with speakers every few yards. Why? We were looking for a nice little walk along the lake away from the crowds & some peace & quiet. No chance of that anywhere in Disney. It's such a shame, no wonder people wear earphones and rabbit on into phones all the time.

Nice to get back home to utter peace & quiet! Shame I have to do housework though. It will seem an age until March when I've booked 4 days in Venice! Roll on the light nights.


  1. I have never had a desire to go to Disney anything. The crowds and the noise would drive me insane. It is also a shame that poor people who might want to go could never afford it.

  2. Sadly it seems so many places are now crowded with tourists.
    I agree it's a shame they charge so much even for a day pass I think it was over $100. That probably excludes a lot of people. However you don't have to buy anything once you're in the parks if you take your own food.
    I wonder what Walt Disney would make of it all now. I noticed that a lot of the old Disney graphic stuff has gone which is a shame. You could go into a graphic design session & one of their designers would show you how to draw Mickey Mouse. It is quite technical the proportions are very specific but it was lovely to bring a piece of your own art work back.
    It's a great opportunity for people watching too which I don't imagine was ever in the concept but it's something I love to do. I also noticed that most people were extremely polite & mostly very happy & not just the staff. I think it all rubs off on people. Plus plenty of clean toilets, no graffiti & very little litter. Shame about the noise!

  3. I never went either but did't have it on my wish list for sure. I admire you for your many interesting. And I was browsing your sidebar last evening in the car coming home from church and was 'wowed' by the knitting you do. So gorgeous and patterns I wouldn't have the least idea how to navigate. I'm glad we are both blogger friends, its a blessing.

  4. I've been to Disneyland Paris and liked it more than I expected,but there too ,the prices and noise were high. You are so lucky you can travel so often (Venice!!!). Tina xxx

    1. Being able to travel more is one of the benefits of being retired. Well partially retired. Some of my travels have been for work. For holidays in Europe Easyjet flights are very cheap in March which is when we're going to Venice for a few days. Just wish they flew to more places from our local airport!

  5. Lovely to be somewhere warm but brrrr when you get back to UK in November. Thank you for your good wishes, it'd been an age since I have been able to travel any where over seas, but I live in hope for next year.

  6. I've just been in Arizona for the last 11 days and the contrast in the weather here is a shock! Plus I have jetlag.

    I have to admit to loving the music at Disney World, it creates a nice atmosphere, but I could really do without the people!

  7. Yes the weather here takes some getting used to. Luckily when we got back it was fairly warm, for November! I still haven't found a cure for jetlag. Someone could make a fortune if they could find a solution to it.

    I like music but only in appropriate places. I agree about the people!

  8. Sounds like a nice trip but i agree about music - and i find that is true in every darn restaurant we go to.

    1. Yes it’s bliss when you go into a quiet restaurant there are still some around. I have been known to pleasantly ask them to turn it down & usually they’re very good & do it.
      One reason why I like old fashioned tea & coffee shops is that you don’t get this and you can easily chat.

  9. I've never understood why the prices are so high...and they should at least let you pay a different price if you want to just enter and not go on any rides. It's 2018 there has to be some way to identify those who want to ride and those that don't


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