Thursday, 19 January 2017

I Need to Remember Summer!

Believe it or not this is a beach in Scotland!

Sometimes good things come from bad. On last summer's Scottish tour in May we were meant to visit the Cairngorm Mountains but our trip up on the mountain railway was cancelled. Our Aviemore driver suggested he take us to the Glenmore Visitor Centre as there was a forest for walks, a beach, reindeer centre & a decent cafe in case the weather changed.

I had never been to this lovely place and to be honest although I did enjoy my previous year's trip up the mountain railway even though we needed ski jackets, woolly hats & gloves at the top. This was a different & lovely experience being on a beach in Scotland surrounded by the Cairngorm Mountains.

The weather helped too as it was a very pleasant sunny day. Lovely!


  1. Wow I wouldn't have guessed the beach was in Scotland! It's beautiful especially with the back drop of mountains. Roll on summer!

  2. I've never been to Scotland and it is one of my dreams to visit it. This mountain railway trip sounds very interesting .
    Nice picture!
    Have a lovely week and new month.
    Tina x

  3. Your trip sounds enchanting! It must be wonderful to see all those things. 'thanks for coming by my blog!

  4. Looks like a beach in Northern California. Lucky you to see this!


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