Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Look at My Face! Am I Bovvered?

I keep getting these messages on websites such as Goodreads saying I've been "unfriended by 3 people". Fancy that!!!!

Well I don't have a Facebook account now, I deactivated it so why should I care? Well Facebook must think I do or are trying to raise my curiosity as to who it is that's "unfriended me".

Well there's no such verb as "unfriend". Well that's what I thought but when I looked it up Facebook has created a whole new vocabulary their product. "unfriend" is not just a verb it's a noun too.  


"Unfriends are people who were previously your friend but have either deactivated their account or have removed you from their friendlist".
So there! It's official. There's even an Unfriend Finder website should you be desperate to find out who is unfriending you & why. What's worse there's an Unfriendable website. Good grief there's a whole "unfriend" industry out there.

What's really naffing me off is that Google ads too keep popping up telling me I've been "unfriended". What I want to do is use the immortal words of Lauren aka Catherine Tate and say "Look at my face! Am I bovvered"?

Here she is with David Tennant in the Comic Relief sketch:


  1. That was the best comic relief sketch ever lol

  2. Oh I loved that! So funny. By the way, I'm getting the message that three of my Facebook friend have unfriended me too and I'm not bovvered either:)

  3. More and more I find myself using the private browsing feature on Safari. I abhor being followed by search engines. I don't have a FB account now, and when I did, it was under an alias using an email account that I no longer have. What a relief to not be told I've been "unfriended"...as if I'd care in the first place.

  4. My lap top is so slow now I daren't load anymore software on it or I would try Safari.

    I've opted out of the ads on Google Chrome but you still get them. Oh for a new computer!

  5. Enjoying David Tennant in Broadchurch. Hooked to this drama.


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