Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Susan Boyle and Egg on the Face for Simon Cowell!

As I said in the previous post I never normally watch reality shows like Britain's Got Talent.

I didn’t see this act but my eleven year old grandson told me to watch it on You Tube. Wow!!!!!
I'm glad I did, she is amazing.

Simon Cowell behaved like a patronising git as she came on. Well let's face it she's not a dolly bird (showing my age again there), she's forty seven. So it was wonderful to see his expression change the moment she started to sing I Dreamed a Dream from Les Miserables. It was better than a slap in the face. Doesn’t he look nice when he smiles? Almost human. You can see I'm not a fan.

The moral - Never judge people by their appearances! What a wonderful lady. I hope her dream comes true and this isn’t the last we see of her.

Sadly they’ve disabled embedding on these videos now so you have to go to You Tube and watch from there. This is the link

Susan Boyle – Britain’s Got Talent


  1. HA! That was wonderful! What a voice Susan has! She blew them all away!!! Thanks for sharing! 8-)

  2. I found out about my green balls. They are for real.

  3. That was fantastic! You go Susan, you sing beautifully. And did you notice how Cowell tried to cover his a**, by saying he knew the minute she walked on stage she was going to be great or something like that. But I didn't get that from the look on his face, when she walked on stage.

    I agree with Poetikat, he'll get her in a studio.

  4. Thanks for finding this. This was the most amazing performance I think I have ever seen. There is a funny thing that I do whenever I do have Idol on. I don't watch the screen but listen to the voice. I started doing this when I worked a night shift about the second season of Idol and was able to listen to a TV with earphones as I worked, so I never really knew what they looked liked. I have never seen this show so I am guessing that this is a variety show? Because of her age, I mean. The American Idol show, I think they have to be under 30 or something. Enjoyed this post Winifred!

  5. "she's not a dolly bird (showing my age again there)"

    And maybe your nationality as it's not a term I've heard, although it's meaning is clear.

  6. Oh Winifred,
    I cried. That is one of my favorite songs ever, and she is fabulous.

    ~hippo hugs~

  7. She has a lovely voice. There used to be a time when a singer could be wildly successful even if she didn't have the body or face to match. Nowadays, we get plenty of untalented people with pretty faces. I'd rather have the former.

  8. Thanks for the link, I've not watched this season but I think this sort of thing is what it should be about, people getting the chance to share their gift.

  9. We saw it live Winifred and I felt so emotional for her. She has a wonderful voice and it was good to see all those smirks and sneers being wiped off all the faces of judges and audience alike. Next time we see her she will almost certainly have had a "make-over" but she deserves to do very well.

    I actually like Simon Cowell! He can be a rude at times but generally tells it like it is! A x

  10. WOW, that gave me goose bumps. She has a beautiful voice. Took the judges by surprise, especially Simon.

  11. yes, that was excellent- thank you for sharing the link xx

  12. Hello...just stopping by to visit. I just got out of the kitchen...whew!

  13. She is so fantastic and she is not rushing into the Extreme Makeover offer. She said that would be false. Isn't it amazing that we can love Mick Jagger but we've got to pluck Susan Boyle's eyebrows? I hope she gains popularity for her talent which automatically makes her beautiful!

  14. Wasn't the look on Simon's face priceless?
    I also heard the older recording Susan did for charity. Her voice is amazing!

  15. Amazing, I shall never tire of watching that clip! latest news--Simon Cowell has now signed her up for a record deal, and Piers Morgan is taking her out to dinner! I am glad to be back after my break, hope you had a good Easter!

  16. Wasn't she amazing. I did not see the show but have watched a dozen times on You Tube. Can'twait for the CD that Simon Cowell will be doing with her eventually. At least Amanda Holden realised the folly of being synical. I hope she goes far.

    I won't be continuing to sew. I hate it. I made a play mat for Oliver and Janie asked me to make one for Rebekah and that's it.

  17. Gday Winifred,
    This made the news over here in Ausralia, Simon sure get egg on his face the expression was enough.
    What a beautiful voice Susan has and sung beautifully gave me goose bumps. I wish her every success I hope she relizes her dreams .

  18. I saw the clip on youtube, her voice is so angelic, its true we tend to judge people by their cover, what a shame, as we probably miss the beautiful sparks that make us unique inside everyone of us!


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