Wednesday, 15 October 2008

Drunken Pony "Fat Boy" falls into Swimming Pool!

This story is so funny and luckily had a happy ending.

Imagine waking up at 3.00am to find a drunken pony in your swimming pool. Well I could try if I had one, a pool I mean.

It's true take a look at the news article.


  1. Bless it's little heart. Hope it wasn't hurt in the fall. But it is funny.

  2. Bad things can happen when you get drunk or dunked.

  3. That would be really awful. They must not have had a fence to keep him out? Yikes!

  4. Dear Winifred ~~ What a thing to imagine
    a drunk donkey is bad enough and then having it fall in the pool. And not even having a pool. Good one, my friend. Thank you for your visit and glad you enjoyed the jokes. Take care,
    Love, Merle.

  5. Oh, me gosh! Poor thing. But it is very funny!


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