Saturday, 20 March 2021

Welcome to Spring

Hard to believe it but finally Spring is here and it's a gorgeous day here in the North of England. We usually get the duff weather but not today!

I'm hoping the nicer weather will get me going again. Haven't had the energy or the inspitation to do anything for months. Not really sure why, don't think the lock downs have created a mental health issue, could be an age thing but I think it's more than a touch of lazyitis, more like a wallop!

Here's hoping I can get motivated this year, I certainly wasn't last year. Maybe the thought of being able to go to places will help. Well not too far away as a Med cruise or a holiday to Lake Garda which I really fancied are on the cards even if we've had the Covid vaccine.

I haven't been to the Western Highlands of Scotland for a while so that would be nice, if they'll us in! If not it will have to be Northumberland or the Lake district, both are very nice.

Time will tell whether we'll get anywhere. We might even have to do the garden and sit there! It certainly needs a lot of work doing. 


  1. I haven't had the energy or inspiration to do anything, and I can't say that Spring is filing me with joy, although it does mean we are getting closer to summer and the lockdown ending.

    1. Well the fine weather last year didn't inspire me so I'm not holding out any great hopes for this year. I think I'm getting too used to lockdown! Ihave to psyche myself up to go out for a walk around the block!

  2. Traveling is probably just what you need. Any of those you mentioned would motivate and insprie me. I haven't been anywhere this last year - even had to pass up a chance at the central coast which I love.

    1. Hope you get to travel again before too long. You don't think about it too much until you can't do it. Take care.

    2. i'm thinking my sis and i are planning a trip in the beginning of may - just a short road trip and a couple overnights at a beach town along the coast. Hope u are getting motivated now.

  3. Spring has sprung around here. It is invigorating. I have had both of my COVID vaccines and am ready to stick my head out the door. Going to see my sister tomorrow for the first time since last March. Wonder how I will do driving out on the highway?

    1. That's great you've had the vaccine!
      I've only driven a couple of times in the last year so I find it's really weird getting into the car to drive. Hope it's a good journey & you have a great time with your sister. We have a while to go yet before we can go visiting!

  4. We are in strict lockdown here in Greece but I hope for some freedom this May and then in the summer.I really long for walks in the countryside and going to places with my family. Anyway , we will see... I hope you realise your dreams for travellingr and stay safe and healthy. Love , Tina

    1. Our lockdown is strict too but not everyone sticks to it sadly. I don't think we'll be going far this year, maybe Scotland if we're lucky. I would love to go back to Rhodes again we have had some really lovely family holidays there. Maybe next year.
      Hope you get to be able to go for your walks in the countryside before too long. May will be lovely weather for you I'm sure. God bless. x

  5. Entre, Senhor Jesus Cristo em minha casa e permaneça para sempre. Todos nós O envolvemos em faixas de amor de coração ❤️

  6. Travelling somewhere can really liven things up. I hope you get a trip somewhere. I'm hoping to go to Ireland so long as I don't have to quarantine and have booked stays in Surrey and Suffolk!

  7. I've been watching the old Hamish Macbeth tv programmes and remembered how lovely it is up there in the Kyle of Lochalsh. I used to be a tour manager for Great Rail Journeys and had a short tour to take up there. Would love to go back there this time by car and go where we felt like going and not be tied to a schedule!

  8. I know what you mean by tiredness. On top of Covid we've had a pretty dull and chilly Spring, uninspiring. The weeds have done exceedingly well, with the dandelions doing their best to add some gold to the rest of the greenery. Best wishes, Philip.

    1. It's been a strange spring no rain for weeks then on & off constantly. Let's hope the morning frosts are finished and we move into a summer like last year. Take care.

  9. I'm really lacking in motivation at the moment, not sure why, but I think the chilly weather makes me want to sit inside and be lazy. I'm a bit bored with life at the moment I have to say.

    But I agree, maybe a nice trip somewhere will blow away the cobwebs.

  10. Hope it's not too long before you get back to Arizona. You must be missing the weather there. The sun seems to motivate people to get up and go.

    Last year's great summer didn't motivate me but I'm hoping this year's will. The house and garden are desperate for some attention!

    I've also booked a short UK cruise just up to Scotland in July. I don't think you're allowed off the ship on your own you have to go on a bus but I'm not bothered whether I get off the ship just being on it will be great and no washing, ironing, housework and cooking will be even better.

    Think I inherited my Dad's love of the sea he went to sea at 13 on the trawlers & was in the Merchant & the Royal Navy. Not exactly a cruise for him though.


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