Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Woe is Me! Post 152

I’m a real misery today. I’ve just waved off my daughter and her family who are off on holiday to Rhodes. So why am I miserable? Well we booked this family holiday a year ago and have looked forward to it since then.

We go on holiday every year with them and it’s wonderful. Mornings getting up to lovely sunshine and going to breakfast with them. Days lazing by the pools, swimming with my grandchildren, games, wandering around the shops in old Rhodes Town, lovely meals as a family and no washing up! It’s bliss. I spend a lot of time with my grandchildren especially on holiday, so I'm going to miss them so much.

This year however it feels like there’s been a curse on it. There were the flight problems with the volcanic ash cloud and then the troubles in Greece caused by their failing economy and closure of their airports. However these pale into insignificance in comparison with our family problems. My husband had to have a serious operation a few weeks ago and it will take him a long time to recover. It’s one of the reasons why I haven’t been blogging and also I have no energy. Things like this help you get things into perspective.

Well I had a few tears after they left about what we’re missing but I’m thankful Eric will hopefully make a good recovery and we can all have a holiday together next year. I’m also thankful that the ash cloud problems are less, the problems in Greece have subsided and my family are all well and are going to have a lovely holiday.

It’s going to be a long fortnight without them and a long year until I see this lovely view again.


Kalithea Bay


  1. Bless your heart. The good news of your husband's good prognosis far out weighs the bad, but it is still lousy to miss a much needed holiday which now you need even more. Glad to hear from you and keep us posted as you will.

  2. Oh, that is a real bummer. However, I'm glad to hear your husband is doing well and will be ready for the holiday next year. I wish him a speedy recovery.

  3. I have missed your post, sorry it was because of illness.So glad you both are going to be better.

  4. Glad to hear Eric is better and that you can look forward to next years trip. From the look of the photo I can see why you would be so dissappointed. What a beautiful place!

  5. Sorry to hear that. Hope yuor husband will do much better soon and that you will get to go to Rhodes next year.

  6. Winifred, So sorry to hear your husband has had such a hard time medically. I wish him a speedy recovery. You will really appreciate your trip next year and as quickly as time flies it will be here soon. I hope England has a lovely summer that you and Eric will enjoy this year.

  7. Wow, lots going on for you. I pray that your husband heals up well and yes, alway next year for that vacation.

    You are not alone, every body I know is going through something major lately.

    Cyber hug for you.

  8. Oh Winifred, I have so missed your posts. I'm sorry that you can't have this holiday with your daughter and family. On the other hand, I am happy that your husband will recover.

    I know how you love Rhodes, but next year will be lovely for all of you.

    Keep your chin up.

    ~hippo hugs~

  9. Thank you for all your kind wishes. Luckily the weather is fantastic at the moment so it's cushioning the blow.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. oh dear me, you're right sad that you couldn't go, but good that your dh will make a full recovery.

    Roll on next year then when you can all go.......

    Gill in Canada

  12. I missed seeing you around the traps and I hope your husband regains his full strength soon.

  13. Hi Winifred, I hope your hubby makes a good speedy recovery. It is always a worrying time, and when he is better you can plan for your return to Rhodos, Hopefully that won't be too long. I got your comment over at mine, and thanks for that. I had problems accessing Lily's blog last week, must try again or else I will email her via Facebook. (are you on FB?)
    Love Catherine

  14. I am so glad that a good recovery is expected for hubby. Have thought about you often Winnifred.

    Sorry you had to cancel your holiday. Have been there and know what that feels like.

    How blessed yu are to see a lot of your Grandchildren. Blessings indeed.

  15. So sorry you weren't able to make the trip this year. Good to know your husband is doing ok from his surgery. I find the older we get the longer it takes to snap back from illnesses and surgeries. Good to know he's on the road to recovery.
    Hang in there it will get better.


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