Thursday, 9 April 2009

What’s Your Favourite Website?

BBC Home Page

I have lots of sites I like to look at but I have to say I have the BBC website as my homepage and I use it lots.

Now when you look at it, it may look different to the screen dump above. I can't post the whole front page on the screen dump and also I’ve customised it to have the topics displayed that suit me. You can add a range of features such as sport, food, science, blogs, business and money etc. In addition you can change the colour to suit what you prefer or you have the option I have chosen to have it rotate colours.

Really useful features of the site are that you can not only customise it, you can localise it too. So you can have your local weather and news at the click of the mouse.

Another feature I like is that it keeps changing. A few minutes after I had moved off the home page I went back and the page colour had changed to a purple shade and with Kylie Minoghue featuring on video.

BBC Home Page

The children’s section is great especially CBeebies. My granddaughter absolutely loves it. All her favourite programmes are there with lots of different activities like painting, making things, singing, dancing, games, poetry etc.

What I like about it is the educational aspect but they make it fun.
Lauren’s current favourite is a new programme called Poetry Pie. Her favourite poem and song?
This one:

The Potty Song

Never put your potty on the table.

Never put your potty on a chair.

Never put your potty on the telly.
Never put your potty on the stair.
Never put your potty in pyjamas.
Never put your potty in your bed.
And never, never, never, never,
Never, never, never - ever!
Never put your potty on your head!

Don’t they always like toilet humour!

Another brilliant part of the site is the Education and Learning section. It covers all kinds of topics and there’s stuff there for adults, parents, teachers and students. The language section is particularly good, there’s audio and video courses in 36 languages. Amazing!

I know I sound like I’m advertising the BBC site and in case you’re wondering, no, I’m not on commission. I just love this site. A work colleague told me a few years ago that her friend worked on the BBC website team and it cost an absolute fortune to maintain and develop. Well if it did then, goodness only knows what it costs now, but it’s worth it.

I've barely touched on the vast range of topics and features. For one thing I haven't mentioned BBC Radio. I'll save that for another day!

To finish with, my favourite feature on the site is iPlayer. You can catch up on all your favourite programmes that you’ve missed. I don’t have any kind of service or technology to record telly programmes so I find this fantastic. You don’t need to worry about remembering to set the recorder or store it, it’s all there. Not sure if this works outside the UK.

BBC iPlayer

Now in their wisdom, nay stupidity, ITV have now scheduled Lewis at the same time as BBC air No 1 Ladies Detective Agency. I’m no expert on viewing figures or the ins and outs of TV scheduling but, I would have thought that to keep up your viewing figures, you don’t schedule a programme you want high figures for with the opposition’s prime new drama programme. That’s just dippy!

My husband prefers to watch Lewis so I missed Sunday night's episode of The No 1 Ladies Detective Agency, so I’m off to catch up on it now.

Bye for now!


  1. That sounds very informative. I guess we have the same on our home page. That is were I get my info.

  2. I like your set-up. So many interesting things to read and see. I think we can watch some of our TV shows on the internet, but I don't bother. I am able to tape them when I choose.

  3. I like BBCs site too, but google is my home page. From there I travel everywhere with no loyalties, but many favorites.

  4. Sometimes I wonder what a week would be like without using the internet for me. Ha...not sure if I could do it. Looks like you get a lot of good use out of yours also. We watch shows we miss on the internet also. I think my husband has his eye on an eyephone....Ha ha...little joke there. The iphones seem to have it all.

  5. My home page is similar. It's so easy to get up-to-the-minute news from there. Jim has me check golf scores, etc. so that he can know immediately what's going on.

    I have never checked out the children's section, but I must say I love the Potty Song.

    Isn't the internet amazing?

    ~hippo hugs~

  6. We'd all be lost without the internet, wouldn't we? I think I am addicted to it! LOL I also love my home page with all the latest news and everything! I have never seen anything about children but then I never really looked, either. But I do love that potty song! Cute!!!

    I have been busy with my guest bath work yet! It's been a BIG undertaking for me, but I WILL get it done....eventually! LOL

    ((( HUGS )))

  7. Happy Easter to you and your family.

  8. Dear Winifred ~~ Great post, liked the potty rhyme. Thank you so much for all your comments and good wishes. I am so glad you liked the story of Faith, the dog who walked on his hind legs. Inspirational.
    Glad you liked the pic of my brother and myself. I don't see him often as he lives so far away.
    The AAADD thing was good, and we all feel like that at times. It's so easy to get side-tracked.
    Take great care my friend.
    Love, Merle.


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