Monday, 9 March 2009

Irish Mental Health Hotline

I don't know about you but I hate telephone answering systems. No matter who you ring these days it's rare to hear a live voice and have a real human to pick up the phone. If you do manage to find an option to speak to a real person, you're lucky if they're even in the same country these days.

It drives me mad as the answering system rattles off the options to you, trying to pick the relevant one and remembering the number they told you to press.

Now if I thought th
e ones I ring are bad, this is the answering system from Hell! I love it!

Frank Kelly alias Father Jack strikes again!


  1. Oooh this is hilarious ;)
    Now which one should I press, I've forgotten...oooh now have to listen again !

  2. I hate answering systems as well, Winifred! And this too funny!!!!

  3. That is all most as funny as limbs.You rock Winifred.

  4. Very funny. I hate answering machines too-especially when I know I need to talk to a human. Interestingly, I've learned how to bypass talking to colleagues and skip right to voicemail when I really don't want to speak with someone. They should be thankful since I'm probably leaving them messages in the middle of the night while they're sound asleep.

  5. Well, at least this message is funny... more than I can say for the majority of them. It is nice to find something to laugh about, not much of that going on these days. I think I should surf (You Tube) more and watch the Fox Business News less. There is nothing to laugh about there lately.

  6. Very good! I surfed You Tube last nigh and I was amazed at the many clips on answering machines. Good laughs.

  7. I know they can get pretty frustrating at times. My Mother just gives up and waits till someone comes to visit her and let's them do the calling. LOL I told her when having to make one of those calls use her kitchen phone that hangs on the wall, she can keep the receiver to her ear and still punch in the number they tell her, compared to the hand held phone, where you have to removed from the ear to punch the number. And yes, I hate the one where you do finally get a person and can not understand them. Apparently the phone systems are the same no matter where you live.

  8. Taking care of business on the phone these days is a time consuming waste for the caller, frustrating, not to mention maddening!!!
    If you can finally get a human on the phone, and can understand them, then you get someone that doesn't know squat about what you are inquiring about!!! Progress.... HA!

  9. I hate those telephone answering systems also. And when you finally get to where you are suppose to talk to a real person, they say all the people are busy right now, but you are important to us so please stay on the line until the next available person is free to talk to you. I have waited up to 10 or 15 minutes before someone came on and asked how they could help me. And all the time I was waiting this recording kept telling me how important I was and to wait and the next available person would take care of me. Until they finally come on the line, your blood pressure is so high, you feel like screaming...and then you forget what you called for, and when you finally start to tell them what your problem is, they tell you, you need to call this number and you go through the whole routine starts over again....I spend one whole morning like this until I finally got the person I needed. Very frustrating!!!

  10. That was a funny clip. I prefer emailing to long phone calls. I love the recordings where you have to speak a word. I feel like an idiot yelling out the words. Our cable company want to fix your cable problems via a recorded message. Seriously! The recorded message tells you to go do this and that and then come back and talk to the machine some more. This goes on for about 40 minutes and then when you can't fix the problem, they say hang up and try again. Unbelievable!!!

  11. that made me smile, I too hate those options, when all I want to do is talk to a living person!!

    Gill in Canada

  12. That was really funny. I never have an appropriate number to press for what I needed, it is so furstrating.


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