Saturday 29 November 2008

Tag Backlog!

I've got a backlog of tags and a couple of awards I haven't done anything about yet. Apologies to everyone.

The first came from Gill a little while ago asking for 6 interesting facts about me. Well I have to say I couldn't think of 6 facts that were interesting, I'm very ordinary. So I have dithered about trying to think of something.

Then Patty asked me to name 6 random facts about myself. Next was Patsy and I have to think of 6 facts you didn't know about me.

Well I'm trying to rationalise this or I'll never get it done. So I'll try to think of 6 random things you don't know about me that may or may not be interesting. Here goes:

1. I'm a Barcelona addict! I'd love to live there for part of the year. I fell in love with it the first time I visited in 1963. I was 18 years old and I went to stay with a penfriend, I still visit her family. I've been learning Spanish for more years than I can remember. I don't get any better at it because I keep stopping. My ambition is to go and live in Spain for a while so that I can improve my Spanish, it's the only way. I look after my granddaughter a lot so at present it's not possible. One day!!!!!

La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona (© Wiki Commons)

I love this buiding, when I look at it I feel so many emotions. To me it typifies Barcelona and makes me want to go back again. One of these day's I'll write about it.

2. I don't drink tea. I stopped drinking it when I was 5 years old but I can't remember why. Now I can't stand the smell of it, I use tea bags for my husband and I try never to make a pot of tea or use loose tea. My Spanish friends don't believe that I'm English! However I wish I liked it because if ever I'm ill I go right off coffee and can only drink water.

3. I was a mature student at university. I left school as soon as I could when I was 16 years old because I hated it. After I had my children I went back to studying and when I was 39 got a BA Degree in Geography, Religion and Development Studies. It was around the time of the Willy Russell film, Educating Rita, one of my favourites. I knew exactly how she felt! There were very few mature students back in 1981 but the Polytechnic as it was known then, treated us brilliantly. The younger students thought we were a bit weird but I absolutely loved it. Education is wasted on the young!

4. Weird but my children ask me how to use things on the computer. Have to say I'm no expert and have never done a course. I changed jobs about 17 years ago and shared a room with someone who had a tiny little computer standing in the corner of the room. It seemed such a waste as she only used one programme on it and even that was a rare event. My curiosity got the better of me and I stayed back after work to have a look at it. It got to be a habit and I started to teach myself how to use it. That was in the dark old DOS days before Windows! It just growed after that.

5. I used to be a careers adviser and I loved it. It's a wonderful job helping guide young people and planting seeds of ideas and helping raise their aspirations.

6. I don't like driving and I didn't learn until I was 39. I was doing my degree when they changed the bus routes and I had trouble getting to the lectures, so I had to do it. I won't go on long drives for holidays, I'd rather get on a plane anyday than get in a car. It's much safer!

I'll have to look back to find the postings about the awards.


  1. "I'm very ordinary. So I have dithered about trying to think of something."

    I have a feeling, there is nothing ordinary about you. That sentence about how you dithered made me laugh. Can't say we weren't warned. After all, it is the name of your blog. BTW, I was a mature student too and I agree with the premise that formal educations are wasted on youth.

  2. I found those very interesting facts about you. I wasn't bored at all. Actually, I enjoyed reading about your life's ambitions and accomplishments.

  3. WOW you've got me beat. I thought I waited a long time to learn to drive. I was 21. Awesome list.

  4. Now that was not so hard. You are sure not ordinary and we all dithered a time or too. You are a very interesting blogger.

  5. You might enjoy my today's blog, about another Spanish cathedral!

    Like you, I don't like driving. I'm always afraid I'll get in the wrong lane.

  6. Great list Winifred. Like you I dislike tea, have never drunk it and cannot bear the smell of it. People think I'm strange!

    A x

  7. This is a very interesting list and certainly not ordinary!!! Unfortunately, like you I have become a great procastinator!!! Although, I like your word "ditherer" better. My mother would not touch tea either, but she kept teabags for me.


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