Tuesday 30 August 2016

The Tall Ships 2016

The Tall Ships arrived in Blyth, Northumberland on Friday as part of the 60th North Sea Regatta. There was a range of magnificent ships to visit. Although beautiful you realise how hard life must have been for those on board such vessels.

Imagine having to climb up there!

Everyone waiting for the fireworks.

The ships left yesterday in glorious weather for the final race to Gothenburg and the local beaches were unusually packed to watch them sail away.

Looks like a good boat builder there!
It's great that events like this come to the North East as they bring lots of visitors to the area which struggles economically. It was once a great ship building area where ships were built for the Royal & Merchant Navies until the Thatcher era in the 'eighties! 
Next Tall Ships event is in 2018 when it will visit Sunderland. Just down the road so that will be great.
Hard to believe but sixty years ago Sunderland was the largest shipbuilding town on the planet & it produced 25% of the UK shipping tonnage. Now whatever happened!!!

So we're looking forward to the 2018 Tall ships race which starts in Sunderland.

It's Been Two Years!

 I receieved an email yesterday with lots of Blogger messages which have been posted over the two years and have all just arrived. I can'...